Sunday, 27 January 2013

Cooking healthy with ionized alkaline water

If you’re a health enthusiast, you might’ve come across the term ‘alkaline water system’ or ‘ionizer’ multiple numbers of times on various health forums. Alkaline water has plethora of benefits since it prevents oxidation of useful bodily cells by combining with oxygen. When used in a variety of cooking purposes, it can help the body in many ways. Here’s a list of things you can use alkaline water in:
 • Drinking: It’s preferable you choose alkaline water for drinking purposes since it’s free of bacteria. Alkaline water contains calcium whereas bacteria cannot survive in such an environment. Even water from the best water filter will not be 100% germ free unless it’s an alkaline ionizing water filter.
• Rice: Rice requires water to be cooked well. If you try cooking it with alkaline water, not only will you get better tasting rice but you’ll be able to preserve them for a longer duration of time. Even during summers, your rice won’t get spoilt fast if you’ve cooked them using ionized water.
• Tea and Coffee: The acerbic taste of tea and coffee can be diluted and nullified if you use alkaline water. This can result in better tasting tea and coffee for all those who prefer the natural flavor rather than the bitter one. Caffeine is particularly known to cause acidity. However, using alkaline water will make sure you don’t suffer from the same.

• Fish: It’s troublesome cooking fishes not only for your home members, but for the neighbors as well. The stench is unbearable. If you to any alkaline water ionizer review website, you’ll know that it can get rid of the foul stench!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Effectiveness of ionized water against diseases

A lot of people confuse ionized water with alkaline water. However, the fact is that ionized water can be alkaline as well as acidic. It just depends on whether the electrons are removed or added thereby changing the polarity of the water. Ionized water, obtained from an ionizer, can offer known health benefits. When both alkaline as well as acidic water are used in combination, they can boost the chances of recovering from a disorder or ailment.
Here’s a list of diseases they can effectively handle:

·         Tonsils: Tonsils are really painful and they can bar you from having ice-creams, cold drinks or consuming even citrus drinks like orange juice. Treating tonsils is must else your throat can get damaged. You should first drink alkaline water from an alkaline water system and then gargle with acidic water since the former has healing properties whereas the latter has disinfectant properties.
·         Heart burn: If after eating out, you feel your stomach and heart burning due to gas, you should consume alkaline water. It can help ease your stomach and make your heart feel lighter due to the release of gas. The best water filter can help you out during such cases.
·         Cough: When you suffer from cough, you should have 3-4 glasses of alkaline water daily. A lot of alkaline water ionizer review online has shown that it is beneficial during cases of cough. However, it’s not the only treatment you should undertake. You should consult a doctor and try the medicines as well.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Can you really reverse ageing with alkaline water

All of us have studied about the human body during the biology lecture at school and therefore are aware that the human body majorly consists of water. However, one interesting fact you might not be aware of is that the water content in our body decreases with age. As children, we’ve about 90% water in our body which decreases to about 70% during our adulthood and subsequently, drops to 60% during the old age. It’s not difficult at all to infer from these statistics that ageing is linked to the drop in water content in our body!

Due to such evidence, scientists claim that by consuming a good amount of water daily, you can always look fit and young. However, it’s not the ordinary water that can help you in your pursuit to defy age. Since the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of the body always needs to remain slightly negative, an alkaline diet can only benefit you. Spring water or packaged mineral water possesses positive ORP. However, water from an alkaline water system has slightly negative ORP.
Keeping aside the anti-ageing qualities, ionized water benefits the human body in a lot of other ways too. By oxidizing the free radical, it helps in detoxifying the body. Since a lot of body fat is nothing but the toxins that accumulate and add to the fatty mass, you can reduce body mass by consuming lots of alkaline water from the best water filters and thereby making sure that all the toxins are washed away from your body. 

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Make sure your children have alkaline water

Children are most fond of eating junk food. Be it at their school and college canteen during the lunch break or at an after party to celebrate the success of their football tournament victory, the reasons to eat out are innumerable. As such, children and youngsters are most prone to developing acidity. Pizzas, burgers and French fries contribute significantly in damaging the digestive system and causing acidity. However, one simple process can ensure your kids remain safe even if they have such food.

Consuming alkaline ionized water that comes from ionized water filters is one of the easiest ways to stay fit and safe. Just for general information, neutral water has a pH level of 7; acidic water has a pH level less than 7 whereas alkaline water has a pH level greater than 7. Consuming alkaline water can counter the effects of acidic content in your body by inducing basic content in your body.
During the past few years, consuming water with alkaline has particularly increased in the United States since statistically speaking, the heaviest consumption of junk food happens there. Drinking water that comes out from an ionizer has reportedly increased the focus and concentration of people living in the United States and according to the director of public health services; it can show similar effects all over the world.
If you’re investing in an alkaline filter, make sure you buy the best water filter. Since it’s not an investment you’ll make daily, it is better to invest once in the best product.